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This is one most people are familiar with on sight, but might not be aware that it grows wild in our local badlands.

The petals and seed head are used for two different purposes. The petals for their Vitamin C content and beauty applications, and is currently being studied for its liver protecting qualities.

The seed head (or hip) is used for its flavonoid properties. These include antiviral, antimicrobial, antioxidant, and to ease pains and difficult labor.

It is valued today for its ability to act as a reproductive restorative, hormonal balancer, and to address menstrual cycles.

It is used in many cosmetics, bath, and home products- its scent relates to love for many people.

Rosa arkansana is the wild variety found here and it blooms in the springtime. Find the petals to use in your products in the spring and summer. In Autumn after the petals have fallen from the flower is the time to harvest rose hips. The whole hip is used and can be used in an infusion, tincture, or oil.

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