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Adrenal Health

Let’s talk about…. Adrenal health and fatigue!

Adrenals are small glands that sit atop each kidney and are responsible for many functions in the mind and body. The adrenal glands are a part of the fight or flight actions in response to stress. Chronic stress can lead to adrenal fatigue, as the adrenals are constantly pumping stress hormones into your body as you prepare to fight or flight. Hormones such as cortisol and epinephrine produced by the adrenal glands are not good for your body when exposed for long periods of time. The biggest problem we see in long term exposure to these hormones is inflammation, which has been shown to be a key mediator in many chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, autoimmune conditions, and type II diabetes.

Adrenal fatigue can be seen in many ways: *Physical fatigue *Brain Fog *Chronic insomnia *Weight gain *Depression or chronically low mood *Joint pain *Recurring infections *Anxiety

When you are feeling “burnout” from your everyday life, it might be time to look at the health of your adrenals.

Herbs, in addition to diet and lifestyle changes, can help restore and replenish function in low functioning adrenal glands. The most effective class of herbs to combat adrenal fatigue are adaptogens. Adaptogens are probably my favorite type of herb, as they can support the body in so many ways after long term stress- and let’s face it, who isn’t chronically stressed these days?

One such adaptogen is Ashwagandha, Withania somnifera. Ashwagandha is a restorative and nutritive herb for the nervous system. It is the perfect choice when stress leads to chronic anxiety or when there is subclinical hypothyroidism. It is relaxing to the mind and body while providing key nutrients to help rebuild a healthy baseline. Ashwagandha can be combined with other adaptogens and calming herbs for a synergistic effect that can support whole body health.

Diet is also extremely important when combating fatigue and stress. When we eat refined sugar or processed foods, we put the body under more stress which leads to more inflammation. Eat a rainbow of whole foods- straight from the garden if you can get it!

Lifestyle changes are also just as important- not only to begin healing, but to prevent future instances of chronic fatigue. Learn your boundaries and learn when to say no. Often, it isn’t healthy to say yes to everyone all the time, and there isn’t enough time in your day to possibly accomplish everything you might say yes to. Create a firm wall between work and home, and then keep it that way. I always employ the practice of mindful meditation, particularly “Be Here Now”. While you are at work, be at work. While you are at home, be at home. When you are eating, eat. Focus on the task in front of you fully and completely. After some practice, it will become second nature, and you may find your stress levels decrease greatly. In fact, things like meditation, mindfulness, and yoga are clinically proven to reduce stress levels.

When supporting adrenal and nervous system health, be sure to employ all of the tools available to you and give it your all. When you need time to relax, take it. When you need a cup of tea, do so. When you feel the need to get out and explore or go for a drive, go do it! And if you ever have any questions, do your research or call your friendly local herbalist.

With love and support - Lindsey D. Oak Tree Herbal

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