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Herbs and the Moon

For many centuries, people have looked to the moon- as an object of the divine, as a source of light in an otherwise dark and isolated night, as an object to dream about, a destination to conquer. More recently, scientists have looked to the moon to learn how it influences life on Earth. The ways in which the moon affects life here, indeed on the very planet itself, cannot be overstated. Balancing our very world, stabilizing the wobble of the Earth, the moon is essential to many aspects of life. Animals use it to navigate, to migrate, and insects use the moon to see which plants to pollinate in their so blind world.

It has been found that even plants follow the phases of the moon; releasing nectar only at the full moon, or storing energy into their roots during the new moon. Some plants can only be pollinated or only bloom during the full moon, at any other time bees and insects all but ignore the flowers. Most moon pollinated flowers are white, as they don't need vibrant colors to attract their insect friends.

One such full moon plant is Ephedra foeminea, also known as Mormon tea, Ephedra, Brigham tea, Yellow Horse, and more. Ephedra is a well known- and controversial- stimulant within the herbal world. Though it has been used for centuries, it is now thought of in more negative tones for the ease in which it is abused. This plant has been used for its alkaloid extraction to make ephedrine which is now only available by prescription. Ephedra’s controversial aspects can be difficult to grasp because research and news reports confuse the use of the whole herb itself, the extraction of its alkaloids such as ephedrine, or its use in compound formulas, and all the while different species of ephedra may be used. The traditional uses of the whole herb are numerous and widespread; from treating syphillus to affecting weight loss.

Despte the controversy around this herb, it shows us that even though we have studied, admired, and dreamed of the moon for many thousands of years, there is always more to learn.

While enjoying the new moon tonight and waiting for the full moon to again brighten the skies, be sure to stop and wonder- which herbs and plants are also watching and waiting?

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