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Starting Simple with Herbs

"I don't even know where to start!" That's the most common sentiment I hear from people as they come to see me. Herbal medicine can be daunting for sure, but it doesn't have to be. You just have to start simple. You don't need every herb for every ailment, you don't have to know what all the herbs do or even how to prepare the one herb you have in five different combinations.

Just start simple.

Choose one, or if you're feeling adventurous, a handful of herbs to start with. Research just those herbs and really get to know them. Find out all the beautiful ways they can be used, get to know their taste, their scent, how they make you feel after ingesting them; do they warm you, cool you, leave a tart taste in your mouth? Do they settle your stomach or calm your racing mind? Is the herb different if I drink it as a tea or use it as a skin wash? Ask yourself all these and more.

Keeping a journal of your path and your findings is always helpful.

Then when you feel ready, move on to the next herb.

Here is a list of simple, easy to work with herbs to get you started.

1. Lemon balm: Generally considered safe for all, refreshing taste, calming and uplifting.

2. Elderflower: Generally considered safe for all. Light, floral taste, rich in Vitamin C, excellent ally during colds, the flu, etc.

3. Mullein: Generally considered safe for all. Light, grassy taste, a wonderful lung healer and congestion combatant.

4. Lavender: Generally considered safe for all. Lovely floral taste and distinctive smell. Traditionally used as a calming nervine to relax and calm the body and mind.

5. Nettles: Generally considered safe for all. Slightly salty and grassy taste. Wonderfully nourishing to the body, consisting of many essential vitamins and nutrients as well as being an antihistamine.

Keep in mind, these are just examples. There are so many wonderful herbs to pick from. If there is one that calls to you, start there! If you have a recurring illness that you need a specific herb for, start there! If a friend recommended an herb to you to try, do that!

And always remember, here at Oak Tree Herbal, we are always available to answer any questions you may have with your journey in herbal medicine.

Best of luck!

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